Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

Family Life, 2nd Edition, K-8

Grade 1 Parent Connection


Publisher: RCL Benziger

ISBN: 978-1-79244-315-2

Item Number: RCLB-454315



The Parent Connection resource has been developed to help parents discover more about the Catholic faith and connect deeper as a family. Parents will be inspired by teachings of the Catholic Church, and learn some practical techniques to use within their families.



Five Featured Articles per grade level help parents strengthen their relationships with children according to God’s gift of family, self, life, love, and community.

Additional features include:

  • Safer Together: Practical ways for maintaining a safer environment within and outside the home
  • Catholic Parenting: Ideas to fine-tune parenting skills in light of the Gospel message
  • Mindful Moments: Short private reflections to deepen one’s awareness of God’s presence
  • Families in Action: Activities for families to gather, share, and celebrate together


 Five Lifestyle Posts per level inform parents about maintaining a Catholic lifestyle for busy families.

Each level also includes:

  • Speaking the Faith: An imaginative question and answer with the Pope to aid parents in speaking about the Catholic faith with their children
  • Talking Tough Topics: Key strategies, methods, and examples of how to address challenging topics with children in age-appropriate ways
  • Habit to Pray: Inspiring prayers and saintly reflections to rekindle a love for talking with God
  • Living the Faith: Reminders on some of the traditions of the Church as well as a unique approach to examining one’s conscience
  • Puzzles & Games: Fun ways to break away from the busyness of family life to engage our minds for the enjoyment


Each Parent Connection honors the family as the “center and heart of the civilization of love” and seeks to help parents discover more about the Catholic faith, connect better as a family, and find more opportunities to love one another as God loves us.

Weight: 0.252 lbs
Case Qty: 30 ($255.00)


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