Blest Are We Faith in Action, K-8
Grade 6 Student Book
Includes Ebook and Digital Resources
Parish Edition
Publisher: RCL Benziger
ISBN: 978-1-5249-4441-4
Item Number: RCLB-444441
Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
Not available.Additional Version
$21.50 School EditionDetails
Each unit of Blest Are We Faith in Action is based on a particular theme or area of Catholic belief and practice. This theme is studied over four individual chapters that correspond to the four pillars of the Catechism: What Catholics Believe, How Catholics Worship, How Catholics Live, and How Catholics Pray. In this way, the essentials of Catholic teaching are presented to the children in an integrated and balanced approach that helps them learn and deepen their faith and Catholic identity.
Student books for parish programs include:
- TAKE HOME PAGES: These pages help families connect with their faith communities and share experiences related to each chapter theme.
- HEAR & BELIEVE: After an opening prayer and activity, the Hear & Believe pages connect Scripture and Catholic doctrine to the lesson theme.
- RESPOND: Saints and other holy people are brought to life through inspiring stories.
- FAITH IN ACTION: A response page reinforces the child’s sense of belonging to the universal Church and his or her parish community.
- CHAPTER REVIEW: Recall and reinforce.
Ebooks and Digital Content
One-year access to the digital student book is included with purchase of the print student book upon request. Also includes access to all digital content on the Flourish portal. Request digital access when placing your phone order or make a note in the Special Instructions at checkout on the website. RCL Benziger will contact you with your Flourish username and password. Unused access from previous years cannot be used at a later time.
Digital Online Resources to support Faith Formation
Weight: 1.300 lbs
Case Qty: 28 ($588.00)