Basic Prayers
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Retail price: $1.95
Publisher: Pauline Books & Media
ISBN: 978-0-8198-1133-2
Item Number: PALI-11335
A classroom favorite. Contains all the basic prayers of the church. Includes the rosary, but does not have the Luminous Mysteries. Also includes the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the precepts of the church, the virtues, and the works of mercy, all in a pocket-sized booklet. Paper, 4 x 6, 16 pages. (©1997)
- The Sign of the Cross
- The Lord's Prayer
- Hail Mary
- Glory
- The Angelus
- The Apostles' Creed
- An Act of Faith
- An Act of Hope
- An Act of Love
- An Act of Contrition
- Morning Offering
- Prayer Before Meals
- Prayer After Meals
- Prayer Before a Crucifix
- Hail, Holy Queen
- Memorare
- How to Say the Rosary
- The Mysteries of the Rosary
- Angel of God
- Eternal Rest
- The Sacraments
- The Great Commandments
- The Ten Commandments
- The Beatitudes
- Some Duties of Catholic Christians (Precepts of the Church)
- Holy Days of Obligation in the United States
- The Theological Virtues
- The Cardinal Virtues
- Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Corporal Works of Mercy
- The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- The Seven Capital Sins
- The Last Things
- How to Baptize in Case of Emergency
- How to Prepare for a Sick Call
- Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
Weight: 0.025 lbs
Case Qty: 1035 ($1,811.25)