Faith Fusion
Grades 6-8 Student Book
Revised and Expanded
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-68192-746-6
Item Number: OSVP-X2617
Additional Version
$22.49 BilingualDetails
Revised and Expanded Edition. Grades 6-8. Provides a comprehensive overview of the faith bulit o the four pillar structure of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Each lesson connects the faith to the students' lives through prayer, reflections, activities, and stories of saints and other holy people. New for 2023, the Revised and Expanded edition includes additional content on the Sacraments of Initiation, the Ten Commandments, and the steps in the catechumenate process. Includes a pullout poster "Church History Timeline". Student book brings the Catholic faith to life in words and iamges, and provides a complete review of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for middle school students. At the heart of every lesson is a clear and consistent focus on Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and stories of faith lived in the example of saints and other holy people. 224 pages. (©2023)
Weight: 1.360 lbs
Case Qty: 22 ($494.78)