Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

The Didache Semester Series

The Mystery of Redemption and Christian Discipleship
Student Workbook

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Retail price: $10.00

Author: Peter Armenio

Publisher: Midwest Theological Forum

ISBN: 978-1-936045-08-2

Item Number: MWTF-45082

Non-returnable. Old Edition.

16 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.

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The Didache Semester Series


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Developed for Curriculum Framework Course 3: The Mission of Jesus Christ (the Paschal Mystery).

Student Workbook is an accompaniment to The Mystery of Redemption and Christian Discipleship; it allows the student to understand God's plan of dedemption and the saving act of Christ's passion, death and resurrection through compelling and meaningful exercises. Using combinations of multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answers, the students recall and apply concepts from the textbook. With perforated pages so students may turn in their work. Includes a collection of common Catholic prayers and devotions. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 90 pages. (©2010)

Weight: 0.505 lbs


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