Handbook of Prayers, 8th Edition
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Retail price: $16.95
Publisher: Midwest Theological Forum
ISBN: 978-1-948139-18-2
Item Number: MWTF-39182
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Essential pocket-sized prayer reference. A complete, compact treasury of prayers. Features basic prayers, the Order of the Mass in English and Latin, prayers for before and after Mass, a guide for a good confession, devotions to the Blessed Trinity, to the Holy Spirit, to Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the Virgin Mary, and to St. Joseph. Hundreds of prayers in all. New to the 8th Edition: Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Novena to Our Lady of Students, Posture for Prayer, Praying as a Family, Prayer of St. Theresa of Jesus, Thanksgiving Prayer of St. Josemaria, the Sacredness of Human Life from Conception to Natural Death, Understanding Sickness, Suffering and Death, the Best Way to Pray a Novena, and more. Vinyl cover, 6.5 x 4, 608 pages. (©2019)
Weight: 0.583 lbs
Case Qty: 40 ($590.00)