God's Gift: Eucharist
Bilingual DVD
Publisher: Loyola Press
ISBN: 978-0-8294-4479-7
Item Number: LOYO-44797
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This product belongs to two programs:God's Gift: Eucharist
Don de Dios: La Eucaristía
Video series enhances instruction and parent involvement. Can be used in retreats, parent meetings, faith formation sessions and more. Set of five DVDs with tracks in English and Spanish. The set comes with a "how-to" guide offering discussion questions and activities as well as suggestions for when to use the videos. Contents:
DVD 1 Drama with the essence of the sacrament presented through a heartwarming story of family and friends.
DVD 2 Informational Videos with Master catechist Joe Paprocki leading viewers through an explanation of the rite, along with what to expect.
DVD 3 God's Gift Chapter-by-Chapter Tracks with catechists sharing key faith concepts through engaging mini lessons that follow the student books
DVD 4 Personal Testimonials where Catholics of all ages share real-life stories of the grace they found in the sacraments
DVD 5 God's Gift Prayers and Practices. Video tutorials help children take to heart the prayers and practices of the faith including the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Act of Contrition. (©2017)
Weight: 0.646 lbs