Confirmed in the Spirit
Catechist Guide
Publisher: Loyola Press
ISBN: 978-0-8294-3683-9
Item Number: LOYO-38239
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$48.25 BilingualDetails
A step-by-step companion for catechists, teachers, or youth ministers of every experience level. Wraparound format. Spiral-bound paper with a hard back cover. 9.5 x 12. (©2014)
Loyola Press Digital Library
Access to streaming video content, Called and Confirmed: Preparing to Celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, is included with the purchase of each Catechist Guide. We send Loyola Press a report of your purchase and they follow up with login information. NOTE: Digital access is valid from August 1 through June 30.
Weight: 1.804 lbs
Case Qty: 4 ($194.00)