Llamados a ser catolicós
Llamados a ser católicos
Catechist Guide
Called to Be Catholic
Publisher: Loyola Press
ISBN: 978-0-8294-3680-8
Item Number: LOYO-36808
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$34.00 EnglishDetails
Bilingual Catechist Guide. Easy to use, the Catechist Guide is a step-by-step companion for catechists, teachers or youth ministers of every level of experience. In addition to clear and concise plans for each lesson, a catechist handbook entitled The Effective Catechist is found in front of the guide, providing valuable information and offering unparalleled support for catechists. Based on Joe Paprocki's book, Well-Built Faith, the Catechist Guide provides catechists with all the tools they need to help children know what it means to be Catholic. Paperback.
Weight: 2.732 lbs
Case Qty: 10 ($340.00)