El Bautismo de su bebé
El Bautismo de su bebé
Bienvenidos a la familia de Dios
Your Baby's Baptism: Welcome to God's Family
$31.44 Save 15%
Retail price: $36.99
Publisher: Liguori Publications
ISBN: 978-0-7648-2205-6
Item Number: LIGU-822056
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$31.44 EnglishDetails
Your Baby's Baptism: Welcome to God's Family, Spanish DVD. Welcome to God's Family. This 30-minute DVD in Spanish celebrates and renews the faith of parents while strengthening their decision to raise their child in the Catholic faith. Helps them experience the fullness of the symbols and prayer that happen during the rite of baptism. Includes a special feature: A 7-minute message from Lisa Hendey, creator of CatholicMom.com and the Catholic Mom Moments blog and podcast, who explains the importance of parents as the first teachers of the faith. A Spanish speaker does voice audio over the English DVD. (©2012)
Weight: 0.194 lbs