Catholic Update Guides
Catholic Update Guide to the New Evangelization DVD/CD
Disciples Called to Witness
$33.99 Save 15%
Retail price: $39.99
Publisher: Liguori Publications
ISBN: 978-1-61636-587-5
Item Number: LIGU-365875
A flexible multimedia package provides everything pastors and DREs need to get the parish engaged in the New Evangelization. DVD/CD combo contains eight 2-page, reproducible handouts; video segments for parishioners, and a leader guide. Use the handouts with the video or separately - whatever works best for your parish. Topics for the handouts relate to the topics from the USCCB's New Evangelization document: Discipleship; Commitment to the Christian Life; Parish Life; The Liturgical Life of the Church: Popular Devotions and Piety; The Christian Family; Catechists and Teachers of the Faith; and Human Experience.
Weight: 0.245 lbs
Weight: 0.245 lbs