New American Bible Revised Edition
The New Catholic Answer Bible
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Retail price: $43.95
Publisher: Fireside Catholic Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-55665-477-0
Item Number: FIRE-4770
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Softcover. With 88 color pages throughout by Paul Thigpen and Dave Armstrong. They answer the most common questions Catholics are asked about their faith, including: What is the Holy Trinity? Why do Catholics Use Holy Water? Are the Seven Sacraments in the Bible? Why do the Catholic Bibles Have Seventy-three Books? Why do Catholics Call Priests Father? Why does the Church Follow So Many Traditions? With 20-page article on the Origin, Inspiration and History of the Bible, the list of daily and Sunday readings, and the parts of the Mass. Also includes: Constitution on Divine Revelation and presentation page. Self-indexed. Larger 12-point type on fine paper. Imprimatur. Paperback with glossy cover, 6.5 x 9 x 1.25, 1696 pages. Order Bibles in any quantity—1 copy or hundreds. No minimum purchase required.
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Weight: 2.520 lbs
Case Qty: 16 ($477.92)