31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator
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Publisher: Ave Maria Press
ISBN: 978-1-59471-384-2
Item Number: AVEP-713842
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Practical easy-to-use teaching strategies and exercises for spiritual growth from the creator of the website, The Religion Teacher. Designed to improve the effectiveness of any busy religious educator. Volunteers and professionals are responsible for two unique and challenging tasks: sharing and assessing information, and the spiritual formation of their students. This resource helps with both tasks and is designed to be used either over consecutive days in one month or by specific themes that encourage personal improvement in areas of discipleship, service, leadership and overall teaching. Each of the 31 "days" includes a lesson theme, quotation from Scripture, an introduction to the exercise, actions to take for the day, and spiritual enrichment ideas for the educator. Paperback, 5 x 7, 160 pages. (©2013)
Weight: 0.388 lbs
Case Qty: 40 ($382.40)