Signos de la Gracia: Primera Comunión
Teaching Guide
Publisher: Augustine Institute
ISBN: 978-1-73297-982-6
Item Number: AUGS-979826
View SampleRestricted: only sold to schools and parishes.
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$44.95 EnglishDetails
Bilingual Teaching Guide. Each session includes a clear overview and outline of the main objectives, as well as discussion questions to prompt engagement with the students and detailed instructions for each activity. Supplemental activities are also provided with a list of necessary materials and instructions. Also included is information for a parish leader on how to implement the program into a parish, specifics on how to hold parent sessions using the Augustine Institute’s Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist, and an attendance poster to help teachers incentivize their students to complete take-home pages. Spiral-bound paperback, 9x11, 506 pages. (©2018)
Weight: 3.850 lbs
Case Qty: 8 ($359.60)