On the Journey
Participant Book and USB flash drive
Publisher: Association for Catechumenal Ministry
ISBN: 978-1-933374-06-2
Item Number: ASCM-374062KIT
View SampleNon-returnable.
Estimated ship date: January 22, 2025
This one-time purchase gives you a Book and a USB flash drive with 380 beautifully designed handouts in PDF format. The original purchaser (the parish) then has unlimited permission to reproduce these handouts.
Rather than having to continually repurchase participant materials year after year, you now only incur the cost of using your parish's copy machine. Also, you are freed from having to follow a pre-set curriculum created by a publisher and are given the flexibility to choose the order of topics to follow that best suit the particular group of participants you have this year, right now.
Here's how you would go about using this resource:
1. Purchase the flash drive.
2. Give each participant an empty 1.5" 3-ring binder.
3. Make copies of handouts on the flash drive for your next session and 3-hole punch them.
4. At the RCIA session, give the handouts to the participants to put in their binder.
5. Slowly, over time, their binder grows in size.
The handouts included fall under various topics including: ● Doctrines ● Special Topics ● Conversion Stories ● Lives of Saints ● Psalms and Canticles ● Litanies and Prayers ● Small Group Questions
So, for example, if you were to lead a catechetical session on May 2 on the Trinity, you could print out one copy of each of the following handouts: "The Blessed Trinity" (under Doctrines), "The Sign of the Cross" (under Special Topics), "St. Athanasius" whose feast day is May 2 (under Lives of Saints), "Finding the Desire of My Heart" by Fr. Ed Fride (under Conversion Stories), and "The Blessed Trinity ~ Suggested Questions for Discussion" (under Small Group Questions).
Weight: 0.740 lbs
Case Qty: 30 ($2,098.50)