Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

Elegido: Tu Camino Hacia La Confirmación




Publisher: Ascension

UPC: 8 11661 01516 2

Item Number: ACEN-015162

Non-returnable. Old Edition.

108 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.

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English DVD Set including Spanish dubbing audio option provides 24 lessons on 8 DVDs. Filmed on locations all around the U.S. and internationally, Chosen keeps teens' interest with the right balance of faith, fun, and powerful vignettes that challenge their existing perspectives on the meaning of their lives and their ultimate call to holiness. Includes a ninth DVD with guided tour, extended trailer, parent and sponsor guide highlights, invitation to parents, a 20-minute parent session and lesson video samples.

Twenty four video lessons:
1. "Why am I here?" - An Introduction to Chosen
2. "What makes me happy?" - Discovering God as the Source
3. "What's your story, God?" - A Look at Salvation History

4. "How do I know God is real?" - Understanding Divine Revelation
5. "Who is Jesus?" - The Person and Mission of Christ
6. "Why be Catholic?" - Discovering the Church Jesus Founded

7. "Where am I going?" - A Look at the Four Last Things
8. "How do I get there?" - The Power and Purpose of the Sacraments
9. "When did my journey begin?" - Baptism, Your Initiation into God's Family

10. "Why tell my sins to a priest?" - The Healing Power of Confession
11. "How does God help with it hurts?' - Anointing of the Sick and Redemptive Suffering
12. "Who is the Holy Spirit?" - Meeting the Third Person of the Trinity

13. "What does the Holy Spirit do for me?" - Gifts for the Journey
14. "Why have I been Chosen?" - Sealed and Sent in Confirmation
15. "Why do I have to go to Mass?" - Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist

16. "What does it mean to say, 'I do'?" - Marriage, a Sign of God's Love
17. "Who's calling?" - Holy Orders and Vocational Discernment
18. "Are you talking to me?" - Getting to Know God through Prayer

19. "Who is Mary?" - Meeting the Mother of God and Your Heavenly Family
20. "What would Jesus do?" - The Beatitudes as a Path to True Happiness
21. "Do I have what it takes?" - Building Virtue: Your Spiritual Workout

22. "Why wait?" - God's Plan for Love and Sex
23. "How do I build the kingdom?" - Saying "Yes" to the Mission of Christ and His Church
24. "Where do I go from here?" - The Journey Continues

Weight: 0.924 lbs
Case Qty: 7 ($1,399.65)


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