Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Program — RCL Benziger
Religious Education for Children and Adults with Special Needs
NOTE: The main catechist guide in English for this series has gone out of print. This book of lesson plans is an integral part of the program. If a parish already has the catechist-director guide, the four reproducible workbooks sold below contain supplemental activities and worksheets. However, without the catechist-director manual, these remaining components are not sufficient to be a religion curriculum.
A comprehensive religion curriculum designed to help parents and catechists in their task of teaching special children and adults about the Catholic faith. The program may be used in a variety of religious education settings: parish religious education, either in an inclusive classroom or in a specialized setting. It may also be used in the home for family catechesis. If a catechist is teaching in an institution or group home, the program may be readily used in those settings as well. The curriculum covers the major aspects of the Catholic faith such as knowledge of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Students learn about the sacraments of the church, the life of Christ, the Blessed Mother, the commandments, the saints, and living the Christian life. They will be taught the prayers that are familiar to all Catholics. Lessons are written developmentally so that concepts are built one upon the other. The program consists of 220 lesson plans for students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities from ages 5-18. Includes basic catechesis, lesson plans on the liturgical year, prayer services and more. (©1999)

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