Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years
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Discover! Finding Faith in Life, K-5

Grade 5 Catechist Guide

Parish Edition


Publisher: Saint Mary’s Press

ISBN: 978-1-59982-977-7

Item Number: STMR-4523

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$41.95 School Edition


Catechists, no matter their experience level, can quickly feel comfortable leading children. Each lesson is clearly laid out, along with the four different parts of the lesson, all with specific suggested steps, activities, and points to cover. Out-of-the-seat activities will engage children and core teaching adds deeper layers of meaning as catechists unpack the activities with their classes. Spiral-bound paperback, 8.5 x 11, 327 pages. (©2019)

Online Digital Resources

Printable handouts, resources and home guides for every grade

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Weight: 1.600 lbs
Case Qty: 28 ($1,174.60)


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