We Believe: Living Your Catholic Identity, K-6
God Loves Us
Grade 1 Student Book
Parish Edition
$21.99 Save 25%
Retail price: $29.32
Publisher: Sadlier Religion
ISBN: 978-0-8215-3291-1
Item Number: SADL-32911
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$21.99 School EditionDetails
Adapted for today's parish needs, this edition of We Beieve delivers comprehensive catechetical content through a proven three-step pedagogical process--We Gather, We Respond, We Believe--that echoes Jesus' teaching example. New features bring lessons to life during weekly sessions and extend beyond class. Faith Vocabulary is highlighted and defined at point of use in each lesson. Gifted by God, a new Theology of the Body feature guides students to see themselves as created in God's image and to make moral choices. Students are invited to live out Gospel values and Christian virtues. Inspiring examples of the saints encourage students to reflect on ways faith is lived out. QR codes in student books give easy access to digital resources. (©2025)
Digital Online Resources to support Faith Formation
Weight: 1.143 lbs
Case Qty: 20 ($439.80)