Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program, Pre-K-8
Promise 2024-2025
Grades K-1 Teaching Guide
Publisher: Pflaum Publishing
Restricted: only sold to schools and parishes.
2 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
Additional Version
$24.95 SpanishDetails
Two-volume Teaching Guides provide complete plans for parish programs for the whole year. New as well as experienced catechists will benefit from these focused lesson plans that are flexible and sensitive to their individual schedules. Teaching guides include a catechetical overview and scope and sequence chart for each of the four units. Features include:
- Curriculum connections
- Extending the lesson
- Catholic identity project
- Catechism Handbooks
- Word of the Week
- Closing prayer
- Lesson wrap-up
The purchase of 10 or more sets of Promise level student lessons automatically includes a free copy of this Teaching Guide.
Weight: 0.596 lbs
Case Qty: 30 ($748.50)
More in This Program
Set Includes

Promise Teaching Guide Units 1 & 2

Promise Teaching Guide Units 3 & 4