Meet the Gentle Jesus: First Communion
Family Guide
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Retail price: $8.99
Publisher: Liguori Publications
ISBN: 978-0-7648-2806-5
Item Number: LIGU-828065
Fulfilling Pope Francis’ desire to catechize adults along with the children, Meet the Gentle Jesus: First Communion Family Guide completes the sacrament preparation program by providing the family—parents, grandparents, godparents—with activities that help them share their faith while the child is preparing to receive the sacrament of the First Holy Communion.
The Family Guide provides a refresher on the sacrament of the Eucharist, an explanation of why you are your child’s primary catechist, a description of what to expect at the celebration, a summary of what the child is learning each week, and activities that the family can do together. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 64 pages. (©2020)
Weight: 0.299 lbs