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Image of God, K-8

Who Am I?
Kindergarten Student Book

Parish & School Edition

$9.31   Save 15%

Retail price: $10.95

Author: Smith & Helmberger

Publisher: Ignatius Press

ISBN: 978-1-58617-372-2

Item Number: IGNP-173722

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This product belongs to two programs:
Image of God, K-8, Parish & School Edition
Image of God, Preschool-K, Parish & School Edition


Religion curriculum for kindergartners with text/workbook that presents the faith in a lively, colorful manner. Founded on two unifying key truths: God and creation. Stresses the dignity of each child made in God's images, and presents the faith in terms and activities children can understand. Each lesson includes Bible stories, concepts of faith, home activities and fun workshops. Designed for tear-out sheets with family notes on the back.

Weight: 1.169 lbs
Case Qty: 28 ($260.68)


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