Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program, Pre-K-8, bilingual
Adventura 2024-2025
Grades 4-6 Student Lessons
Venture 2024-2025
$26.95 for 2+ Save 27%
$16.95 for 10+ Save 54%
Publisher: Pflaum Publishing
View Sample1 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
Not available.View Complete Program
Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program, Pre-K-8, bilingual, Parish & School EditionDetails
One-time annual delivery! All 32 lessons delivered in one shipment.
Bilingual edition. This popular liturgically-based program (for preschool through grade 8) is a unique and affordable alternative to traditional textbooks. 32 weekly lessons based on the Sunday Gospels PLUS a catechism handbook - What the Church Believes and Teaches – provide everything you need for a catechetical experience that is integrated into the life of the parish – the liturgical year and Sunday Mass. Leads fourth- to sixth-graders in making moral choices, exploring and expanding their faith. Dramatizations, current events, and original stories link the Gospel to the lives of young people.
Each set of 32 lessons includes a copy of What the Church Believes and Teaches Catechism Handbook written for the Venture level. Contains the most important Church tachings to reinforce, review, and summarize the lessons.
The purchase of 10 or more sets of bilingual Adventura student lessons automatically includes a free copy of theSpanish Teaching Guide, and a free copy of the English Teaching Guide.
The Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program: What the Church Believes and Teaches has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the Subcommittee on the Catechism of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Weight: 2.460 lbs
Case Qty: 10 ($169.50)