Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

My First Little Eucharistic Adoration Booklet


Author: Connie Clark

Publisher: Pflaum Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-62785-742-0

Item Number: PFLA-857420

Estimated ship date: September 12, 2024



Lay a beautiful groundwork with this "small steps" approach to the practice of Eucharistic contemplation and adoration for young children. Created with an understanding of today's realities for children, the kid-sized Eucharistic contemplation booklet is filled with activities, prayers, and practiced to introduce the reverent habits of listening, reflecting, respecting, and adoring. Booklet, 5.5 x 8.5, 24 pages. (©2023) 

Weight: 1.000 lbs
Case Qty: 16 ($47.20)


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