2023-2024 Good News Catholic Planner - Primary
Grades K-2
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$6.80 for 10+ Save 32%
Retail price: $9.95
Publisher: Pflaum Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-68279-463-0
Item Number: PFLA-794630
Non-returnable. Old Edition.
13 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
Primary planner gives children in kindergarten, and first and second grades a head start in learning to be organzied. They also learn about the Church through its major feasts and seasons, the Sacraments and the Church Year rooted in the sotires of Jesus in the Sunday Gospels. A faith-filled introduction to daily planning! Covers 47 weeks from August 6, 2023 through June 29, 2024. Spiral bound and 3-hole punched, 8.5 x 11, 128 pages.
Weight: 0.888 lbs
Case Qty: 40 ($272.00)
New Edition
Good News Catholic Planners: 2024-2025 Good News Catholic Planner - Primary: Grades K-2
$6.80 for 10+