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Faith Fusion

Grades 3-5 Student Book


Author: D. Dziena and G. Shahin

Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor

ISBN: 978-1-61278-737-4

Item Number: OSVP-X1447

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$22.49 Bilingual

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Faith Fusion


Knowing, Loving, and Serving Christ in the Catholic Church. Grades 3-5. Developed for early elementary age students. Provides preparation for RCIA candidates, yet is relevant to any child seeking to grow in the Catholic faith. Every lesson begins with an opening reflection question that engages the children, includes two full-pages of activities, and a story of a saint. Catholic faith words are boldfaced and highlighted in the text and defined in a sidebar on the page where they first appear. Includes a list of Faith Facts that capture key doctrinal points. Student book has twenty core lessons organized into four units. Each unit corresponds to one pillar of the Catechism. Each lesson includes Scripture, tradition and doctrine. The perfect resource for students in grades 3 through 5 who have had no prior catechesis, have gaps in their faith formation, or are part of a parish RCIA adapted for children. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 224 pages. Approved by the Bishops' Committee. (©2015)

Weight: 1.097 lbs
Case Qty: 28 ($601.72)


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