Vivos En Cristo, 1-6
Level F
Grade 6 Student Book
Parish Edition
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 978-1-61278-440-3
Item Number: OSVP-CU5411
143 in stock. Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.
Additional Version
$21.99 EnglishDetails
Bilingual Edition. Student Books include developmentally appropriate text, images, exercises and activities, addressing multiple learning styles and engaging the child's senses and imagination. Children discover, explore and experience traditional and modern artworks specifically chosen for each grade level with a connection to Scripture, tradition, and chapter objectives. Special icons alert children to features such as Scripture, prayer, key vocabulary, and online resources.
Every grade level incorporates the five forms of prayer mentioned in the Catechism--blessing and adoration; petition; intercession; thanksgiving, and praise. Children are taught how to talk with God in their own words and listen as he speaks to them. Also presents many opportunities to deepen children's understanding of the feasts and seasons of the church year. On Family Faith pages parents are given tools, language, and examples of things they can do to model and live the faith in their daily lives. Each lesson in the Our Catholic Life section provides practical examples of ways to worship, live, pray and serve together as Catholics. Introduces children to Catholic figures who stand as models of heroic virtue. (©2015)
Digital Online Resources to support Faith Formation
Weight: 2.945 lbs
Case Qty: 12 ($275.88)