Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

The Living Word 2022-2023


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Publisher: Liturgy Training Publications

ISBN: 978-1-61671-657-8

Item Number: LTTR-716578

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Non-returnable. Old Edition.

Out of print. No longer printed by the publisher.

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The Living Word helps youth ministers, parish catechists, and high school religion teachers engage in a process of catechesis that finds its source in the liturgy. The sessions in this resource are designed to enhance the liturgical preparation, liturgical participation, and liturgical living of teens through reflection on the Sunday Gospel. Following the academic calendar, this resource includes materials for each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation from the first Sunday in August (2022) through the last Sunday in July (2023). In addition to each weekly session, The Living Word offers handouts, “Living the Word,” for the week, inviting teens to reflect on the word and providing actions to encourage them to integrate the message of the Gospel in their daily life. This includes: Fully prepared sessions to lead sessions with youth on the Sunday Gospel Handouts to distribute to teens before leading the session Ideas for integrating the handout into sessions. Paperback, 8.5 x 11, 256 pages. (©2022)

Weight: 1.006 lbs
Case Qty: 32 ($800.00)


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