Renovado: Tu camino a la primera Confesión
Saint Prayer Cards
10 Sets of 12 Cards
Publisher: Ascension
UPC: 8 11661 01998 6
Item Number: ACEN-019986
Additional Version
$24.95 EnglishView Complete Program
This product belongs to two programs:Renovado: Tu camino a la primera Confesión
Renovado: Tu camino a la primera Confesión, 2da. Edición
Spanish. Every Renewed: Your Journey to First Reconciliation session offers a Friend on the Journey section, featuring original artwork and reflections on a specific Catholic saint. The Renewed Saint Prayer Card Set provides 10 copies of the 12 prayer cards available (120 cards in all) drawn from the 12 lessons in the Renewed program.
Weight: 0.426 lbs
Case Qty: 16 ($399.20)