Serving the Catholic Church for over 50 years

Oraciones y practicas Católicas para Discípulos Jóvenes

Catholic Prayers and Practices for Young Catholics



Publisher: RCL Benziger

ISBN: 978-0-7829-1819-9

Item Number: RCLB-601819

Additional Version

$5.00 English


Catholic Prayers and Practices for Young Disciples, Spanish. Designed specifically for young learners, this booklet will help young disciples grow in their prayer life and Catholic identity as they learn the prayers and practices of the Catholic faith. Includes traditional Catholic prayers, blessing prayers, the Rosary and the Stations of the Cross, the Order of Mass, a liturgical calendar, the commandments and beatitudes, the sacraments, and a "Visit to Church". Paperback, 6 x 9. (©2016)

Weight: 0.178 lbs


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